
I Am

I am the gently falling snow that lies in pristine splendour
I am the ice that shatters rocks and ploughs the mountains under
I am the melt that seeps within to fill Grandmother’s veins
I am the bubbling crystal spring that carries off the rains
I am the merry dancing stream with dappled sunlight kissed
I am the foaming cataract that wets the glen with mist
I am the eddy and the spray, I am the chuckling rill
I am the pond, I am the race, I’m deep and I am still
I am the inundation that wakes the fertile plain
I am the hail in thunderstorms, I am the monsoon rain
I am the slow and steady flow that carries all before
I am the tidal estuary that carves and shapes the shore
I am the mighty ocean, always moving, always there
I am insubstantial vapour – just softness in the air
I am the richly gilded clouds that make the sunset blaze
I am the freezing winter fog, the distant summer haze
I am the blood, I am the wine, the tears of my daughter
I am the river of my life, I’m Bear that Moves Like Water

3 thoughts on “Poetry

    • Yes, Petal, that’s all me. And the quote on the front page… well that’s mine too, and you are welcome to borrow it whenever you wish.
      Thank you for your comment – you know I’ve read some of your writing, so I have some idea of the Spirit that guides you, and the things that bring you Joy; that you see this as beautiful is a valuable affirmation to me.

Your thoughts are welcome.